Monday, September 15

Encourage Children to Bike to School

The number of children biking or walking to school plummets more and more every year. Some parents are unwilling to allow their children the ability to be independent and mature enough to deliver themselves to school. But still there many organizations federal, state and community that still push to encourage parents to allow their kids to bike or walk to school. October 8th 2008 is bike and walk to school day,

Children and parents on this day ban together for hopefully a change in habits. Parents who ride with their children not only get to spend quality time together, but also provide their child with invaluable training in road awareness such as stopping, looking both ways before crossing the road and waiting for the little green man at the pedestrian signal. Busy parents who are not able to spare the extra time to ride with your child or the child is responsible enough to bike on their own, here are a few tips to make sure their ride to school is a safe one:

• Make sure your child is wearing bright colors or even a bright colored backpack will work. The brighter colors will help make motorist more aware of them on the road.

• Children under the age of 18 must wear a helmet, it’s the law. Be sure the helmet fits properly, our bike shop will help you fit the helmet properly if you are having trouble. Wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of brain injury and death by up to 85 percent. Worth it? I’d say yes!

• Educate & reaffirm daily basic bike safety; obey traffic signals and signs, ride on the right hand side of the street, give cars and pedestrians the right of way and always stay in complete control of your bike.

Children who are making this change from the daily drop off via car to pedaling their bike are coming to school more alert and ready to face the day. Parents save time in the morning by allowing their kids to bike or walk to school. Kids have a chance to socialize with their friends, develop some independence & confidence. Also to top it all off providing an opportunity for exercise which helps tackle the increasing child obesity rate. If you need any further information regarding trails or traffic safety visit:

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